Cookie Policy

Privacy Policy
Dear user, this document describes the types, purposes, and retention times of cookies used on the website (hereinafter referred to as "Portal" or "Site"), as well as allowing you to select your preferences regarding their use.

Definition, characteristics, and regulatory application

Cookies are small text files that the user's visited websites send and store on their computer or mobile device, to be transmitted back to the same websites upon subsequent visits. Thanks to cookies, a website remembers the user's actions and preferences (such as login data, language preference, font size, etc.) so that these parameters do not have to be set again on each new visit. Therefore, cookies are used for computer authentication, session monitoring, and storing information about the activities of users accessing a site. They can also contain a unique identification code that allows tracking of the user's navigation within the site for statistical or advertising purposes.

Some operations or functionalities of the Portal may not be possible or guaranteed without the use of cookies, which in certain cases are therefore technically necessary for the proper functioning of the website.

Depending on their characteristics and functions, cookies can be stored on the user's computer for different periods of time: there are session cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed, and persistent cookies, which remain on the user's device until a predetermined expiration date or until manually deleted.

According to applicable regulations, the use of cookies does not always require explicit user consent. In particular, "technical cookies," which are used solely to ensure the proper functioning of the website or to provide a service explicitly requested by the user, usually do not require such consent.

On the other hand, in order to use cookies that are not strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the Portal but serve the purpose of collecting statistical data or creating profiles related to the visitor in order to send targeted advertising messages based on the preferences expressed by the user during internet browsing, prior user consent is usually required, in accordance with applicable regulations.

Types of Cookies

Below are the main types of cookies:

  • Technical Cookies: These are strictly necessary for the functioning of the website or to allow you to access the requested content and services;
  • Analytical Cookies: These cookies are used to provide the website operator with purely statistical data, such as the total number of visitors to the site and each page within specific time frames. They can be considered technical cookies if they are used for website optimization directly by the website owner. However, if the processing of such statistical analyses is entrusted to third parties, user data must be minimized in advance and cannot be combined with other processing or transmitted to additional third parties.
  • Functionality Cookies: These cookies are used to activate specific features of the site and apply selected criteria (e.g., language) in order to improve the service provided;
  • Profiling Cookies: These cookies are used to create user profiles based on their behavior on the site. They are generally used to send the user targeted advertising messages based on their preferences expressed during internet browsing.
  • Social Network Cookies: These are cookies that allow the user to share site content on social networks or activate social network functions such as "Like" or "Follow." These functions enable social networks to identify their users and collect information even while they are browsing other sites.

Source of Cookies

Cookies can also be distinguished based on their source of origin. We have the following:

  • First-party Cookies: these are created and used only by the web server of the website and cannot be transferred to third parties. This type of cookie is generally used to personalize the browsing experience by automatically recognizing a user who has previously visited the website. They are not readable on a different domain from the one where they were created.
  • Third-party Cookies: these cookies are created by domains other than the website the user is currently visiting. Third-party cookies can be read on the domain where they were created as well as on any other site capable of reading the server code that generated them. The third parties that set cookies on the website can act as independent data controllers, pursuing their own purposes, or act as service providers to the website owner, acting as data processors.

In detail, the cookies sent through this Portal are listed below:

Name Vendor First or third party Category Expiry
sbjs_migrations Sourcebuster JS Analytics 6 months
sbjs_current_add First party Analytics Sessione
sbjs_first_add Sourcebuster JS Analytics 6 months
sbjs_current Sourcebuster JS Analytics 6 months
sbjs_first Sourcebuster JS Analytics 6 months
sbjs_udata First party Analytics Sessione
sbjs_session Sourcebuster JS Analytics
tk_or First party 21 days
tk_r3d JetPack Analytics 3 days
tk_lr First party 21 days
usprivacy IAB TCF Functional 54 years
_iub_cs-74581731-uspr First party 21 days
tk_ai WooCommerce Analytics
tk_qs Automattic Analytics 30 minutes
_fbp Facebook Marketing 3 months
m Third party 21 days
__stripe_mid Stripe Functional 1 year
__stripe_sid Stripe Functional 30 minutes
iub_storage_available First party 21 days
oduouq2c First party 20 days
hkv1p6gj First party 20 days
koewu5b3 First party 20 days
6gowiwso First party 20 days
jetpack_sso_wpcom_gravatar_-2 JetPack
jetpack_sso_wpcom_name_-2 JetPack
jetpack_comments_subscribe_ JetPack
jpp_math_pass JetPack 24 hours
jetpack_sso_original_request JetPack
jetpack_blog_subscribe_ JetPack
jetpack_sso_nonce JetPack
jetpackstate JetPack Functional
tk_tc JetPack Analytics
tk_r JetPack Analytics 1 year
eupubconsent-v2 IAB TCF Marketing 1 year
eupubconsent IAB TCF Marketing 1 year
tk_ni Automattic Analytics 54 years
__fb_chat_plugin Facebook Marketing
_js_datr Facebook Preferences 2 years
_fbc Facebook Marketing 2 years
fbm_ Facebook Marketing 1 year
xs Facebook Marketing 3 months
wd Facebook Functional 7 days
fr Facebook Marketing 3 months
act Facebook Marketing 53 years
datr Facebook Marketing 2 years
c_user Facebook Marketing 30 days
csm Facebook Functional 3 months
sb Facebook Marketing 2 years
actppresence Facebook Functional
_fbm_ Facebook Marketing 1 year
_stripevariation_ Stripe Functional
__stripe_ Stripe Functional 1 year
oil_data Avacy CMP 6 months
actppresence-2 Instagram Marketing 53 years
explat-experiment-woocommerce_tasklist_progression_headercard_ WooCommerce Functional
explat-experiment-woocommerce_tasklist_progression WooCommerce Functional
explat-experiment-woocommerce_test_experiment WooCommerce
storeapinonce WooCommerce Functional
woocommerce-products-wizard-form-filter-content WooCommerce
ti_wishlist_data_-2 WooCommerce Functional 54 years
yith_woocompare_list WooCommerce
_wcml_dashboard_currency WooCommerce
history-store WooCommerce Analytics
woocommerce_cart_hash WooCommerce Functional 24 hours
woocommerce_current_currency WooCommerce Functional 6 days
wc_cart_created WooCommerce Functional
wc_fragments_ WooCommerce Functional
wc_cart_hash_ WooCommerce Functional
amp-store WooCommerce
wp_woocommerce_session_-2 WooCommerce Functional
wpwoocommerce_session_ WooCommerce
wc_ WooCommerce
store_notice WooCommerce Functional
woocommerce_recently_viewed WooCommerce Functional
woocommerce_items_in_cart WooCommerce Functional
woocommerce_cart_ WooCommerce Functional
wp_data_user_1 WordPress Functional 54 years
wp_lang WordPress Functional
wordpress_sec_ WordPress Functional 15 days
of_current_opt WordPress Preferences 7 days
comment_author_email_ WordPress Preferences 1 year
comment_author_url_ WordPress Preferences 1 year
comment_author_ WordPress Preferences 1 year
wp_consent_type WordPress
wp_consent_ WordPress Functional 30 days
wp-saving-post WordPress Functional 24 hours
wordpress_logged_in_ WordPress Functional
wordpress_test_cookie WordPress Functional
wp-api-schema-model-2 WordPress Functional
wp-settings-time WordPress Functional 1 year
wp-settings WordPress Functional
wp_data_user_ WordPress Functional 54 years
wp-autosave WordPress Functional
wordpress_ WordPress Functional 3 months
_wordpress_ WordPress Functional

Cookie Settings

Selection and Deselection: Except for the strictly necessary cookies for the functioning of the website and the provision of requested services, the user can prevent the installation of third-party cookies on the website by blocking one or more providers operating on the Portal through the cookie preference selection tool (accessible at the following link). Regarding third-party tracking tools operating as independent data controllers, users can manage preferences and revoke consent by visiting the respective opt-out link (if available), using the tools described in the third party's privacy policy, or by contacting them directly. The choices made regarding the cookies on the Portal will be recorded in a specific cookie. However, in some circumstances, this cookie may not function properly. In such cases, the owner suggests deleting unwanted cookies and disabling their use through the browser's functionalities.

Cookie Management through the Browser: It is also possible to remove existing cookies and block the installation of new cookies through browser settings. If users want to decide each time whether to accept cookies or not, they can configure their browser to generate a notification every time a cookie is saved. The most common browsers allow blocking only third-party cookies while accepting only those belonging to the website itself. For more information on how to set cookie preferences through the browser, please refer to the relevant instructions:

Please note that by disabling or deleting technical and/or functionality cookies, the Portal may become inaccessible, and certain services or specific functions of the Portal may not be available or may not function properly. It may be necessary to manually modify or enter certain information or preferences with each visit.

Contact details of the Data Controller

For further details about the Data Controller, the user can refer to our Privacy Policy.